Our free anxiety in children infographic shows the different ways young people express feeling anxious. This free trauma-informed care poster reminds teachers, school counselors, and parents that kids often communicate that they are feeling anxiety in less obvious ways than just lots of expressed worrying.
As this infographic illustrates, some of the different signs include avoidant behaviors and negative thinking. In addition to dysregulation or what adults often label as “acting out.” On top of that, a child might express a sense of helplessness or giving up early. Or displaying a lack of attention and distractibility. Other hints include physical manifestations such as trouble sleeping, headaches, or stomachaches. Kids might express worry through inflexibility, anger, and frustration. Perhaps they push people away. Or conversely, a child might be super clingy needing constant reassurance.
When adults recognize the signs of anxiety in children, we can better support them and more meaningfully respond when they are going through a rough time.
There are many ways to help children manage anxiety. For instance, you can invite them to identify their feelings using visual supports like feelings scales and emotion charts. You can help take some of the pressure off by talking about healthy coping strategies through interactive worksheets, using worry boxes, and even fun games like our Coping With Anxiety Game.