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WORRY BOXES: School Counseling Collage & Origami Coping Tool to Manage Anxiety

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Using Worry Boxes as a Therapeutic Intervention to Help Manage Anxiety

Help kids and teens manage anxiety with our worry boxes kit. This therapeutic activity is an effective and engaging craft project that empowers young people to name their worries and then put them away and let them rest for a while. The poem that’s included in this counseling intervention says:

Worries are like visitors that sometimes come your way.
Draw or write about what’s bothering you and then tuck those worries away.
Inside this box, your worry visitors can rest and stay.
Take a few deep breaths, saying goodbye for now, and move forward to create a great day.


Indeed, we all experience worry from time to time. Sometimes, though, worries can feel so big and overwhelming that it makes it hard to be present, learn and/or get along with others.

Worry boxes are a wonderful therapeutic tool that can help young (and older) people name and externalize their fears and put them away in a safe place that can always be returned to in the future if needed. Worry boxes can help someone lighten their anxiety load, helping them to let go and move on.

On top of that, the actual act of making these easy-to-assemble origami boxes is a coping tool in and of itself; the process of creating a box will help your students, clients, or children feel calmer and more present, with an enhanced sense of internal locus of control. Plus, making the boxes is pretty fun, too!

If you enjoy paper crafts, such as this one, be sure to check out our social emotional learning fortune tellers.  Themes include positive affirmations, self-esteem, growth mindset, and the things I can control, to name a few.

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Product Categories

Coping Skills + Self-Regulation, Social Emotional Tools, Feelings + Emotions, Individual + Group Counseling, Helpful Thinking, Affirmations + CBT

Grade Level

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  • Do-It-Yourself Worry Box Kit, complete with collage words and images too!
  • 10 unique ready-to-go worry box kits; 5 of which are in color, the other 5 designed with line art perfect for coloring in
  •  Each kit also contains customized worry slips that can be used for writing down the worries, sized just right to fit in the boxes.
  • “Worry Box” Poem Insert
  • Tips to Help Children Manage Anxiety


Returning to onsite learning after months off here in NSW I am anticipating that there will be an increase in anxious behaviour. I have created a worry box to help support my students and will be using the slips and boxes to support my class. Thank you for the tips too, I will print these off and have them in my classroom to help my studnets – a very comprehensive resource, thank you!

-Megan V.

October 14, 2021, TPT Review

As an intern, I learned about Worry Boxes from my mentor and loved the idea. I have recently had two students who were in need of a Worry Box, they have both benefited from them so much. Such a great resource!

-Randi Miller (TPT Seller) 

September 3, 2021, TPT Review 

My students really enjoyed creating these boxes and continued utilizing them. I plan to create them earlier on in the year next year as I feel that March might have been too late to get the most out of them.

-Jessica P.

July 9, 2021, TPT Review

Students completed these as a Mother’s Day gift. The best part was all the choices they had. They colored them carefully and chose words to connect them to mom. Thank you

-Marissa H.

June 6, 2021, TPT Review

I love the worry box concept and have used this resource with several of my clients who experience GAD and struggle with worry. I had a student recently tell me she still has the one we made together over a year ago and she still puts her worries in it.

-Danielle M.

May 25, 2021, TPT Review

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