Our free solution-focused reframes help teachers, school counselors, parents, and school administrators better support students. The words and language that we use as both educators and parents to talk about the children in our lives, be it our own children or students, has an impact on how we relate to them, care for them, and even the interventions we choose to use with them.
Problem-focused language narrows and constricts the possibilities for how to support our young people. Conversely, solution-focused language opens up the possibilities for how we perceive and interact with others; in this case with our children and students.
In schools, children often get labeled as being hyperactive, or dramatic, or defiant. The conversation changes quickly though when we can use more positive language and focus on what the strengths are behind those words. This opens up possibilities for finding solutions. Moreover, it also helps us to be more empathetic in the process. As this solution-focused reframe pdf suggests, we can choose to use language that restricts or choose to use language that opens up. We can use language that’s reactive or we can use language that’s more responsive.
Great to use as a reference in parent/teacher conferences, when writing behavior intervention plans, in addition to IEPs.
You may also enjoy our Solution-Focused Counseling Toolbox and free SFBT Check-In Scale, too!