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Coping Skills Lesson for School: Classroom Management & Group Counseling Game

$4.50 $3.60


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What kid do you know who doesn’t love a good old fashioned fortune teller? This paper craft game will not only have your students wanting to play more, but will also help them cultivate coping skills they can use in the classroom that will get them get ready to learn & get along with others.

What’s Included:

*4 do-it-yourself, customizable & colorable fortune tellers

*4 ready-to-go fortune tellers, in both color and black and white

*List of top 50 Coping Skills for the Classroom that students can refer to when designing their own, unique coping skills cootie catcher

*Assembly Instructions and Directions on How to Play

*Lesson Plan to teach Classroom / Guidance Lessons, aligned with ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors

*”Follow the Path Breathing” Guide and “Coping Skills for the Classroom Guide” (Instructions on how to do 7 of the Coping Skills)

*The “What Can Help You” ready-made

fortune teller is perfect to use in solution-focused counseling sessions or student-teacher-parent conferences for goal-oriented conversations.

Why Teach Coping Skills for the Classroom?

One of our most important jobs as educators is to teach students the “HOWS”; “how” to research, “how” to ask good questions. “how” to synthesize ideas, “how” to read & write, etc. But before students can get to the more academic “hows,” they need skills to help them “how” to self-regulate, “how” to focus, “how” to ask for help, and “how” to be in a calm place to be able to relate in healthy ways with others. Teaching children self-regulation tools helps their thinking part of their brain, the pre-fontal cortex, to remain engaged and in charge. Many of our students need extra support in this area, often coming to school already in a state of fear, worry & chronic stress. Until we help students manage and relate -with kindness & compassion- to these challenging emotional experiences, they will not be ready to learn the important “how academic tools” that students need to be successful in and out of school.

Ways to Use These Coping Skills for the Classroom Fortune Tellers

Designed as a “one-size-fits-all” package, teachers and school counselors can use this Coping Skills for the Classroom product as a classroom or guidance lesson, as a small group activity, or as an individual intervention for students who need additional support with self-regulation. Use these fortune tellers as part of your classroom management strategies and social-emotional curriculum, teaching your students healthy and appropriate tools to help them get calm, centered, and re-focused. This activity is also a non-threatening way teachers and school counselors can talk to their students about replacing negative behaviors with positive ones. Perhaps best of all, this fortune teller lesson/game/intervention (or however you want to use it) helps to build greater connection and rapport, because as we know, play is the language of children.

For low-prep lessons on Coping Skills you may like these:

COPING SKILLS: School Counseling Lesson on Stress, Anxiety & Anger Management

Mindfulness Lesson: School Counseling Game Teaching Mindful Coping Skills

If you are looking for more fortune tellers, check out:

Positive Affirmation & Self-Esteem Fortune Tellers/Cootie Catchers

Growth Mindset Fortune Tellers: Fun for Growth Mindset Lesson & Group Counseling

Top 50 THINGS I CAN CONTROL Fortune Tellers *School Counseling Lesson & Game

SELF-ESTEEM: School Counseling Game & Lesson *50 Ways to Build Self-Esteem!

Conflict Resolution Strategies: Use in Counseling Groups, Mediation & Lessons

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Product Categories

Classroom Management, Individual + Group Counseling, Lessons

File Type

Grade Level


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