Download our free trauma sensitive classroom checklist. This infographic contains tips for what to do before you respond to a child who is “acting out.” The main takeaway message is this: we must regulate ourselves before trying to help a child who is dysregulated. We must get calm and grounded before we can help a child get calm and grounded themselves.
Following is the list of suggestions featured in this poster for trauma sensitive classrooms:
- Take deep breaths to calm and center yourself.
- You are the adult and captain of this ship.
- They are doing the best that they can, given the skills and resources that they have in this very moment.
- Their prefrontal cortex is not fully developed yet. (Won’t be until they are in their mid-twenties!) Their brain is only 9 (or 4 or 16 or 13 or 7) years old.
- Their Protective Brain (amygdala) is directing them right now.
- You get to choose to respond with kindness & compassion, like the WARRIOR that you are.
Other helpful trauma sensitive classroom tools includes creating a peaceful, inviting break space, such as a Calm Corner. Teaching kids about their protective and thoughtful brain in the context of the fight-flight-freeze stress response. Integrating mindful breathing and movement breaks throughout the day, in addition to observing trauma sensitive classroom rules and guidelines.