Download our free If Feelings Could Talk poster, to help kids and teens better understand what their emotions are trying to tell them. Use this SEL infographic to teach students that emotions are not bad or good. Or right or wrong. Rather, feelings are like visitors that stop by to deliver important messages. They can tell you information about your situation. They can show you what you care about. Feelings let you know what you like or don’t like. Moreover, they can communicate to you about what you may want or need.
For instance, as noted in this free SEL download, if feelings could talk sadness might be telling you that you need to cry. Loneliness might be communicated to you that you long for connection. Resentment might be a message that it’s time to forgive. While emptiness could be an urge to do something creative. Anger could be letting you know it’s time to check in with your boundaries. All the while anxiety could be a reminder to mindfully breathe. As stress could b communicating it’s time to take just one step at a time.
Looking for more feeling posters? You’ll love our Multicultural Feelings Posters for Kids. Check out our FREE Feelings Scale, too!